Territories of priority development: assessment of the first years of implementation

  • E.V. Trofimenkova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article presents the results of a study of regional investment projects in Eastern Siberia and the Far Eastern Federal District, on the basis of which it is proved that favorable conditions are created in the Far East for the development and creation of new territories of advanced
development (TPDs), based on cost-effective integration with the APR countries. The data presented indicate that after the first years of the implementation of these projects within the framework of the adopted Federal laws: № 473-FZ, № 212-FZ, the created preferential
regimes significantly increased the investment attractiveness of almost all Far Eastern regions with the intensification of the formation of a large number of new enterprises of various industry specializations with their general orientation towards the production of hightech
and products competitive in the national and foreign markets. According to the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the article presents a list of TPDs created in the Far Eastern regions and their sectoral focus, an assessment of the social component, namely
the number of jobs created in the region, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about the outlined innovative shift in the development of the Far East under the influence of TPDs.

Keywords: Russian Far East, accelerated development, problems, government measures, territories
of priority development, project, analysis of results